irreversible cut

“In the beginning was cladding. Man sought to cover himself. The covering is the oldest architectural detail. Originally, it was made out of animal skins or textile products. Then the covering had to be put up somewhere... thus the walls were added”  (Loos, 1898)

The essay, accompanied by a visual archive, explores the bodily and textile analogies in Adolf Loos's architecture. Captivated by Western culture and the ideal of "the British gentleman," Loos advocated dressing buildings in smooth, tailor-made coverings, like men's garments. This concept is vividly embodied in Villa Müller, where beneath its simple exterior lies an elaborate, intimate interior. Here, Loos acts as a tailor, cutting the spaces to measure for their inhabitants, crafting interiors that wrap them like well-fitted garments—spaces that not only provide comfort but also shape and restrict movement, echoing the precision and control of bespoke tailoring.





Photogenic Interior